
# 166 - # 167

I went to Pink Monday in Tilburg with some friends of my. We were talking about everything. So also about my project and they both didn't know anything about it. So i explaned it and they both wanted one really bad. So now i made another 2 friends a little bit happier.


# 165

Happy birthday Ilara! It was an awesome night! At her party last friday (when we celebrated her birthday) i gave her a paper crane of course. For all the luck with finding a new apartment, and the start at her new school.


# 164

A couple of days ago, i was unpacking some tshirts at work. Just doing my job. I saw a chellenge in front of me. Every shirt had some cardboard in it, so i wanted to make a paper crane out of the cardboard. It was very hard and my fingers actually hurt. But i am proud of the result. I didn't think it would come out this nice. See it yourself.